Press Releases

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  • Feb 28, 2013
    Increased Risk Seen in Women Who Start Smoking Before Having First Child

    Results from a new American Cancer Society study support the hypothesis that smoking is associated with increased breast cancer risk for women who initiate smoking before first birth. The study,...

  • Feb 25, 2013

    John R. Seffrin, Ph.D., American Cancer Society chief executive officer, responded to the news of the passing of former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop. "Dr. Koop was a dear friend and a giant in...

  • Feb 25, 2013

    ATLANTA – February 25, 2013 – Ginny Snyder-Ashman of Pennsylvania was diagnosed with stage IIA colon cancer at the age of 51. She went to the doctor complaining of stomach pains and ended up...

  • Feb 5, 2013
    Drop in Overall Mortality Means Nearly 200,000 Cancer Deaths Avoided in African Americans since 1990

    ATLANTA-- February 5, 2013 -- The cancer death rate for men declined faster among African Americans than among whites in the latest time period, narrowing the racial disparity in overall cancer...

  • Jan 30, 2013
    Thousands Have Already Joined WhatNext, a Peer-to-Peer Site for Cancer Patients, Survivors, and Caregivers

    ATLANTA — January 30, 2013-- The day someone is diagnosed with cancer is a day they begin a journey filled with many new and sometimes puzzling experiences. While medical experts can provide the...